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Team Ninja kicks off its anniversary celebration with Ninja Gaiden 4

Team Ninja kicks off its anniversary celebration with Ninja Gaiden 4

Subscribe to Nintendo life on YouTube794k Update [Fri 24th Jan 2025, 12:55am]: Following the recent news earlier this month of Koei Tecmo Team Ninja celebrating its 30th anniversary in 2025, Ninja Gaiden 4 it is now officially published. It is a collaboration between Team Ninja and Bayonetta developer PlatinumGames, and will be published by Xbox ...


What are you playing this weekend? (January 11)

What are you playing this weekend? (January 11)

Ollie Reynolds, staff writer I recently busted out the N64 controller for the Switch to play Zelda: Ocarina of Time – you may have heard about it. I had fun too; Somehow, using the OG controller just looks good, you know? I also restarted Zelda: Breath of the Wild and am slowly making my way ...


Team Ninja is gearing up for its 30th anniversary

Team Ninja is gearing up for its 30th anniversary

@Jack_Goetz Nioh 2 and Dead or Alive 5 are well regarded, and Ninja Gaiden: Ragebound also looks like a very good game. They also did Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty which was a lot of fun and Rise of the Ronin was pretty good too. It was a bit difficult, but they got back on their ...


Vanillaware's most underrated game is more than just a pretty picture

Vanillaware's most underrated game is more than just a pretty picture

Image: Vanillaware During the holiday season, we're republishing some of the best articles from Nintendo Life writers and contributors as part of our Best in 2024 series. Enjoy! Soapbox features allow our individual writers and contributors to voice their opinions on hot topics and random things they've been chewing on. Today, Alana talks about Vanillaware's ...


Box Art Brawl – duel: Okami

Box Art Brawl – duel: Okami

Be sure to cast your votes in the poll below; but first, let's look at the box designs themselves. Europe / North America Picture: Capcom / Launchbox The European and North American design is honestly pretty simple and accurate. Our wolf protagonist stands front and center, rearing up on his hind legs as if ready ...


Where the hell are those Metroid Prime 2 and 3 Remasters?

Where the hell are those Metroid Prime 2 and 3 Remasters?

The problem we have here is that Samus Hunter has been right about several claims in recent months – like a cheeky nod to the Xenoblade Chronicles X trailer i.a a tease that would quickly tie in with the Donkey Kong expansion in Super Nintendo World – they should have a few more before we ...


Nintendo reports rapid growth for Metroid, Xenoblade Chronicles and more

Nintendo reports rapid growth for Metroid, Xenoblade Chronicles and more

Image: Nintendo Nintendo is home to a ton of amazing evergreen franchises, though it’s safe to say that it’s often relied heavily on Super Mario, Zeldaand Pokémon for those big sales numbers. According to the latest company data financial briefinghowever, some of its more niche franchises have reportedly seen “dramatic sales growth” on the Nintendo ...