Articles for tag: accessories, analyze, Android, Android TV, Cheap, Chromecast, Google, Google Chromecast, GoogleTV, option


Forget CAPTCHAs by enabling this option in iOS 16

Forget CAPTCHAs by enabling this option in iOS 16

Apple implements a new function to avoid CAPTCHAs on the internet CAPTCHAs are a verification method very common today. We can find them once or several times when we enter to surf the Internet. and although are usually not a problemfor many it’s an action that can take precious seconds or become boring if not ...

The Boss

What is the best option

What is the best option

The VPN is a system increasingly used by Internet users around the world. It can prevent malware attacks or even phishing. You can block annoying ads. It protects our data when we access it from public Wi-Fi networks (in fact, it completely encrypts all incoming and outgoing traffic between your device and the network, at ...

The Boss

Is the NVIDIA GTX 960 a good second-hand option?

Is the NVIDIA GTX 960 a good second-hand option?

The market is gradually regulating itself, but the problem is that for a low-end GPU, manufacturers will ask, at least, more than 200$. Considering the savagery that this will represent for a new batch GPU, the old models take a lot of strength, since for less or the same price one could have a similar ...