Articles for tag: Google, Other devices, Philips, Recipe, Technology, withstand


Your recipe to withstand Google TV

Your recipe to withstand Google TV

TVs and their use in each house have changed in the last decade, as indicated in Titan, the Spanish company based in Barcelona which wishes to mark the future of this market with its operating system. “We expect another big change over the next 10 years,” said one of his managers on this medium. Your ...


the invention of Lidl which creates environments, without installation and sweeps Europe for 15 $

the invention of Lidl which creates environments, without installation and sweeps Europe for 15 $

Lidl, the increasingly popular supermarket in Europe, specializes in offering lighting categories to create different environments in the home that allow creating comfortable environments, but at the same time allow the user to personalize the experience depending on the moment. After various solutions designed for the kitchen or bathroom, here is now a device at ...


incredible screens at enormous power

incredible screens at enormous power

When it comes to renewing a computer, everyone is looking for something different. The mobility that a laptop provides is something that many users enjoy, and the same goes for the great power that desktop computers typically offer. However, these characteristics are not exclusive and There are high quality and powerful laptops which have nothing ...


the best options you can buy without spending more

the best options you can buy without spending more

For many Spaniards, the summer holidays are already over, and that can only mean going back to school for the little ones and returning to routine for adults. This does not necessarily have to be bad, because it is the ideal time to return to normal with even more encouragement. On several occasions It may ...


Small speaker with screen will sweep Amazon Prime Day

Small speaker with screen will sweep Amazon Prime Day

Amazon is gearing up for Prime Day, its day of deals that will take place on July 16 and 17. The e-commerce giant has announced a new device, the echo point, which will be available to users in Europe at a revolutionary price and with a clear idea: to conquer your nightstand to remove your ...


This way it will notify you on your mobile when you need to give

This way it will notify you on your mobile when you need to give

The summer heat is very present in Europe. So much so that inventions of all kinds have become extremely popular, for example to say goodbye to air conditioning. Or not; Xiaomi, without going any further, has presented one capable of cooling rooms in 40 seconds. But what happens to those who forget to water their ...