Articles for tag: Android, applications, google photos, Knowing, mobile, Mobile apps, photograph, photography


without knowing photography and from any Android mobile

without knowing photography and from any Android mobile

One of the side effects of the majority of people using their cell phone as a camera is that they need smartphones with a lot of internal memory or, what is increasingly common, they need use a cloud storage service. In Europe one of the most common is Google Photos, since it is preinstalled on ...

The Boss

Do you like macro photography? Get the Huawei Mate X6, not a regular phone

Do you like macro photography? Get the Huawei Mate X6, not a regular phone

Huawei has just unveiled its latest foldable phone, the Mate X6, and it has a lot going for it. The design is sleek and slim, to the point where it's barely thicker than a non-foldable smartphone. It also has a large battery, super-fast charging, large, bright displays, and new software features. Check out my hands-on ...


cell phones that are revolutionizing photography

cell phones that are revolutionizing photography

THE photography has become one of the keys to telephony. This may seem strange, because a little over ten years ago having a camera with you at all times was unthinkable, but in 2024 what is strange is that we can arrest someone in Europe and that he doesn’t have one. This is obviously due ...


Fomography: Photography adventure announced

Fomography: Photography adventure announced

Fomography is a story-driven photography adventure coming to PC and consoles in 2025. DANGEN Entertainment is pleased to announce the release of Fomography for PC and consoles in Spring 2025. Fomography is an action-oriented photography adventure in which the player takes on the role of an aging man and relives his life through the lens ...


Top 10 Best Photography Apps for iPhone According to Apple

Top 10 Best Photography Apps for iPhone According to Apple

Looking to improve your photography and/or video? Apple recommends the 10 best photography apps for iPhone, based on its opinion Apple’s 10 Best Photography Apps Join the conversation It has already been demonstrated that Apple goes all out when it comes to photography. The upcoming iPhone 16 Pro aims to continue improving what was done ...