Articles for tag: Bluray, Games, goodies, Lord, offers, posters, Rings, Selection, Tshirts


Nintendo Switch Lite and Animal Crossing: New Horizons promote themselves with these posters in Japan – iGamesNews

Nintendo Switch Lite and Animal Crossing: New Horizons promote themselves with these posters in Japan – iGamesNews

Nintendo has put up two new posters promoting Nintendo Switch Lite Y Animal Crossing: New Horizons in Japan. These include the Nintendo Switch Lite Coral console with Animal Crossing: New Horizons and the four color variations of the Nintendo Switch Lite with the game running on them. You can see them below: #NintendoSwitchLite #AnimalCrossing billboard ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

These Japanese-style Hollywood posters are milk

These Japanese-style Hollywood posters are milk

The posters are artistic concepts of movies, video games or other cultural products that serve, in part, to advertise the thing that is advertised, but also has an undeniable creative component that makes us admire its composition when they are well created. While some bet on simplicity, as in the posters of the Monster Hunter ...