Articles for tag: Android, files, happened, Quick, sending, , Silence


stickers of your face, quick reactions and more

stickers of your face, quick reactions and more

WhatsApp has now prepared its first major update of the year. In this document they become official four good news to improve discussions with our friends. Among the changes are the power create stickers of our face from the application itself, reactions with a double tap, sharing a pack of stickers and filters and effects ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

Control: Be quick: Top titles currently free!

Control: Be quick: Top titles currently free!

If you're looking for free gaming fodder for the rest of your vacation, you can currently secure a real top title for free with Control. However, you have to be quick! Like every year, the mystery game campaign is currently running in the Epic Games Store. Around the holidays there is a new full PC ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

Ghostrunner 2: If you're quick, you can currently get it for free!

Ghostrunner 2: If you're quick, you can currently get it for free!

The Epic Games Store continues with free games: Now you can get Ghostrunner 2 for free if you're quick! Just in time for the Christmas holidays, Epic Games is listing the better-known free games in the mystery game campaign in its online store. After Remedy Entertainment's action blockbuster Control was available from last night until ...


Supervive: Mistakes you shouldn't make to make quick progress

Supervive: Mistakes you shouldn't make to make quick progress

News wise Supervive: Mistakes you shouldn't make to make quick progress Published on July 12, 2024 at 10:15 p.m Share: Here are the mistakes we wish we hadn't made when we started Supervive! By following these tips, you can focus on these areas of improvement and give yourself a higher chance of winning! Choose carefully ...