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Geralt of Sanctuary

Elden Ring features a notable idiot from Dark Souls, Bloodborne

Elden Ring features a notable idiot from Dark Souls, Bloodborne

image: Retrieved from Software/Demon’s Souls Wiki/Bloodborne Wiki/Dark Souls Wiki/Kotaku elden ring can look very similar Dark Souls but as far as we know now, it’s a whole separate thing in terms of narrative and lore. That doesn’t mean, however, that there aren’t legitimate connections between From Software’s latest action RPG and previous games such as ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

Japan releases a handheld desktop massager for gamers

Japan releases a handheld desktop massager for gamers

Bauhutte does everything possible. image: Bauhütte Bauhutte, the people behind that Gaming bed and the Gaming mattress, are back with another interesting product: A handheld massager for gamers. Called a handheld massager (clever!), This desktop device is specially designed to soothe gamers’ hands. The handheld massager is equipped with 15 air cushions to remove fatigue ...