Articles for tag: flagship, problems, released, Samsungs, smartphone, Struggling

Geralt of Sanctuary

Samsung’s new flagship smartphone is already struggling with problems before it’s released

Samsung’s new flagship smartphone is already struggling with problems before it’s released

The Samsung Galaxy S22 from Samsung currently still has some software problems. Samsung’s latest flagship smartphone does not run smoothly for some testers. Editors noticed stuttering in the menu and poor processor performance. It’s about the Galaxy S22 Ultra, which you can currently pre-order from around 1,250 dollars and which will be released on February ...


Android 12L will go to Samsung’s tablets

Android 12L will go to Samsung’s tablets

Noticias relacionadas Hoy ha sido uno de los días más important del año para Samsung, el día en que anuncia sus Galaxy S, la más popular de sus familias de móviles. This is a los Samsung Galaxy S22, S22+ y S22 Ultra ha venido acompañados de las Galaxy Tab S8, una familia de tablets de ...


Samsung’s secret “Tiger” plan to take on Apple

Samsung’s secret “Tiger” plan to take on Apple

Samsung has a secret plan to try and beat Apple in the United States. Apple and Samsung have a historic rivalry in the smartphone market, sharing a large chunk of sales and revenue. However, Samsung never managed to beat Apple in the United States, and now his secret plan to achieve it has been revealed. ...

The Boss

Samsung’s new technology will make QLC SSD 3 times faster

Samsung’s new technology will make QLC SSD 3 times faster

The Samsung Tech Days not only brought us news about future RAM memory standards, but they also talked about their NAND Flash memory, especially their V7 QLC with which they hope to improve the performance of the NVMe and SATA SSDs they use. per cell for storage. What are its performances and what news does ...