Articles for tag: amp, announced, commander, false, Founder, Retro, science, Xbox

The Boss

Borderlands 3 Science Arcade rewards

Borderlands 3 Science Arcade rewards

Get rid of the confusion of the subject Borderlands 3 Story, gearbox introduced Frontier Science Museum Collaborate with researchers engaged in real genetic research. If you believe in the soothing sounds of TV scientist Mayim Bialik, then by completing the puzzles in the game, you can solve real-world errors in the DNA sequence sorted by ...


This smart house takes pictures of your chair for science sake

This smart house takes pictures of your chair for science sake

In the world of technology we have seen all kinds of curious products, such as built-in Bluetooth speakers from Jigglypuff, the famous Pokémoneither cyberpunk lynx. However, the product we want to highlight this time around is home, especially toilets. Scientists from Stanford University (California, United States) have built it a smart toilet that incorporates natural ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

Why Time No longer Has Meaning, According to Science

Why Time No longer Has Meaning, According to Science

Pictures: Shutterstock These past few weeks, time has run out of meaning. Days feel like weeks. Weeks feel like months. Although a few weeks have returned since the World Health Organization announced that this was it the plague, to many of us, it sounds like this has been going on for years now. As it ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

Riot Games wants to stop toxic behavior with science

Riot Games wants to stop toxic behavior with science

League of Legends players have long had to deal with toxic behavior. The toxicity of playing League of Legends has almost become a running gag in the community. However, many players have a problem with it for legitimate reasons, and development team Riot now wants to take the problem seriously. For this purpose, a separate ...

The Boss

Intel Guadalajara Desing Center, a love for science and technology

Intel Guadalajara Desing Center, a love for science and technology

Guadalajara is the largest city, the second most populous city in Mexico. After our passion for technology and science, we visited the Intel Guadalajara Desing Center (GDC), a design firm to create and validate new technologies and innovations based in Zapopan, Jalisco. In 2010, Intel decided to allow the project to build its own Campus ...