Articles for tag: 2Hidden, Fortnite, Matches, passages, Season, Secret

The Boss

Fortnite: Season 2-Hidden in secret passages in different matches

Fortnite: Season 2-Hidden in secret passages in different matches

Ranch Lauren Aitken Thursday, February 27, 2020, GMT Ranch For this spy-themed Fortnite challenge, you need to find and hide in secret passages to avoid enemies. Now that you've found the Shadow Safe House, it's time to look for some Secret passage Hidden around the Fortnite map. To complete this challenge, you need to find ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

Project GG: Platinum Games reveals its next secret project

Platinum Games has unveiled the second game of its mysterious Platinum 4. This title follows the remaster of Wonderful 101. Platinum Games has kept its word and unveiled the next secret game on the Platinum 4 website. There, the Japanese developer, who now wants to become a publisher, listed four titles as nameless stars that ...


How to make secret camera work on Xiaomi phones

All calls have hidden menus, usually with functions dedicated to support and repair of equipment. Activating these login menus advanced device information, and there are times when you can run options without finishing and testing. This happens with the MIUI camera, an Xiaomi-enabled mobile app, both with a custom layer and Android One phones. MIUI ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

Fans Have Found Secret Trailers for Westworld’s Third Season

Aaron Paul in Westworld. Image: HBO Trailer FrenzyA special place to find the newest trailers for movies and TV shows you’re craving. Remember Incite, Inc.? The undoubtedly evil corporation, likely featuring in Westworld’s third season and that sponsored a real panel and got a real website a few months back? Turns out, that website was ...

The Boss

Fortnite: Season 2 Map Changes-Oil Rigs, Yachts, Secret Lairs

Ranch James Billcliffe Thursday, February 20, 2020, GMT Ranch For the latest Season 2 update, Fortnite Map Some changes have taken place-including some interesting new points of interest! These seem to include a large number of places related to the seasonal theme, where the islands have been replaced by "secret agents" organized by the mysterious ...