Articles for tag: complete, Distribution, Galar, great, Home, Kanto, Keldeo, Meltan, Pales, Pokémon, shiny

Geralt of Sanctuary

Can Luvdisc be shiny in Pokémon Go?

Can Luvdisc be shiny in Pokémon Go?

LuvdiscThe rendezvous -Pokémon from Hoenn is in the wild in the wild in the wild Pokémon go. Yes, Luvdisc can be shiny Pokémon go! Unfortunately, Luvdisc is not in any form. It's just a small guy with a pretty good shine! What is the shiny rate for Luvdisc in Pokémon Go? According to the old ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

Can Wobbuffet be shiny in Pokémon Go?

Can Wobbuffet be shiny in Pokémon Go?

Woingenauthe patient Pokémon from Johto, can be found in the wild in Pokemon GoYes, Wobbuffet can be brilliant in Pokemon Go! Neither Wynaut nor Wobbuffet are used in PvP or PvE, but it has a great pink glow. Notably, female Wobbuffets wear lipstick (as you can see in the main image) and male Wobbuffets don’t ...

The Boss

Dewpider 100% Perfect IV Stats, Shiny Dewpider in Pokemon Go

Dewpider 100% Perfect IV Stats, Shiny Dewpider in Pokemon Go

This week Star time is about the Water Bubble Pokémon. This means that it is the perfect opportunity to catch a Dew Spider In Pokémon Go! Catching as many balls as possible is the plan for this week’s Spotlight Hour—both because of the chance to hunt a shiny PVP Pokémon in Pokémon Go and because ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

Can Dewpider be shiny in Pokémon Go?

Can Dewpider be shiny in Pokémon Go?

Taupethe water bubble Pokémon from Alola, can be found in the wild in Pokemon GoYes, Dewpider can be brilliant in Pokemon Go! Araquanid, the evolved version of Dewpider, is useless in PvP or PvE battles, but is a pretty neat shiny if you like water spiders. What is the shiny rate for Dewpider in Pokémon ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

Can Magnemite be shiny in Pokémon Go?

Can Magnemite be shiny in Pokémon Go?

Magnemitthe Magnet Pokémon from Kanto, can be found in the wild in Pokemon GoYes, Magnemit can be shiny in Pokemon Go! Magnezone is a pretty good Electric-type attacker when equipped with Spark and Wild Charge. As a Shadow Pokemon, it does more damage (which you can probably already expect). It still falls short of Electivire, ...


Shiny Manaphy: How to get it and why it’s so difficult

Shiny Manaphy: How to get it and why it’s so difficult

Each Pokémon has its special Shiny version, but there is one that stands out for being the most difficult to obtain: Manaphy Shiny. This singular Pokémon is already difficult to obtain in its normal versionbut its Shiny version is one of the most arduous tasks for any Pokémon trainer. In this article, we will explore ...


so you can leave your screen shiny (and safe)

so you can leave your screen shiny (and safe)

It doesn’t matter if we are clean freaks or if we always put our iPhone, iPad or Mac on clean surfaces. In the end It is inevitable that they get dirty, especially their screen.. Sometimes with the simple grease from our fingers (we release it even if we are clean) or with the now classic ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

Can Lileep be shiny in Pokémon Go?

Can Lileep be shiny in Pokémon Go?

Lileep, the Sea Lily Pokémon from Hoenn, can be found in the wild in Pokemon Go. Yes, Lileep can shine in Pokemon Go! Graphics: Julia Lee/Polygon | Source images: Niantic None of these Pokémon will see much use as attackers, gym defenders, or PvP Pokémon, but a shiny is still a nice addition to your ...