Articles for tag: Action, Action RPG, art, development, fighting, pc, RPG, Samurai, Samurai Fight, Shodown, SNK, The art of combat, Xbox Series X|S

Geralt of Sanctuary

Netcode rollback for Dragon Ball Z and Samurai Shodown

Netcode rollback for Dragon Ball Z and Samurai Shodown

picture: Bandai Namco EVO, the biggest fighting game event of the year, went down over the weekend, and in terms of news, perhaps the biggest announcement was that not one, but two games will be getting RRollback NEtcode improvements in the next 12 months. Don’t know what that means or why it’s important? I have ...


Guilty Gear’s Baiken sharpens his katana to reach Samurai Shodown

Guilty Gear’s Baiken sharpens his katana to reach Samurai Shodown

Baiken will be the new playable character of Samurai Shodown, which concludes with this collaboration with Guilty Gear his third season pass Samurai Shodown, also known as Samsho in the fighting game world, announces its latest playable character via DLC. Nothing more and nothing less than Baiken, character from the mythical Guilty Gear saga by ...


Baiken from Guilty Gear is coming to Samurai Shodown as DLC

Baiken from Guilty Gear is coming to Samurai Shodown as DLC

The official SNK Twitter account has announced that the fourth character for the well-reviewed Samurai Shodown will be Baiken from the beloved Guilty Gear franchise. Baiken will appear in the Season Pass 3 character pack, which will be paid downloadable content. The aforementioned Season Pass 3 will be coming later this week on Thursday. You ...