Articles for tag: applications, mobile, Open, productivity, Samsung, SamsungGalaxy, simple, time, tips, touch, trick


the simple gesture for your cell phone to inform you of the weather

the simple gesture for your cell phone to inform you of the weather

In Europe, the cold and the rain are already appearing in certain parts of the territory, formalizing the arrival of autumn and making it increasingly necessary to take an umbrella or a raincoat. Fortunately, many smartphones are already splash-proof and They can be used even when it rains. However, it is vitally important plan carefully ...


the simple trick to check it in seconds

the simple trick to check it in seconds

One of the most important privacy measures in WhatsApp is reportedly about to arrive by forcing the use of a PIN for that contact who just added the user to their calendar and wants to start a conversation . It is one of the many assets available as an important asset for know if someone ...


A simple demo from Steve Jobs changed the artificial intelligence strategy of this major company. Its CEO recognized it

A simple demo from Steve Jobs changed the artificial intelligence strategy of this major company. Its CEO recognized it

Salesforce is one of those companies that the general public may not know about, but has great importance in business. It is about a company with a long history in the technology sector focused on cloud-based CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems. Its founder and CEO, Marc Benioff, recognized in a recent interview who has inspired ...