Articles for tag: Collectors, Deluxe, Diablo, Edition, guide, preorder, standard, Ultimate

The Boss

Why shouldn’t you buy the standard edition of Diablo IV?

Why shouldn’t you buy the standard edition of Diablo IV?

On June 6, it will go on sale worldwide. Diablo IV. The latest installment in one of the most successful franchises of the last 25 years that hits another milestone with the goal of filling all of our time for at least another decade. In the image and likeness of his previous chaptersas Diablo 2 ...

The Boss

Bluetooth 5.0: The radio standard can do that

Bluetooth 5.0: The radio standard can do that

BLUETOOTH May 29, 2023 at 5:00 p.m Bluetooth 5.0 is used in many daily tasks these days. We’ll tell you about the advantages of the latest generation of standards. The Bluetooth standard is continuously being further developed. (Source: Blankstock/ Bluetooth 5 and its successor versions have been standard in all modern devices since 2016. Above ...

The Boss

Bluetooth 6: When is the new standard coming and what does it bring?

Bluetooth 6: When is the new standard coming and what does it bring?

BLUETOOTH May 29, 2023 at 2:00 p.m Bluetooth 6 is the further development of the already very modern Bluetooth 5.3 standard. We reveal here what innovations await us and when the whole thing could become reality. Bluetooth 6.0 could improve latency and data throughput. (Source: Wavebreakmedia / Bluetooth 6 could be presented as early as ...

The Boss

The Dark Truth of NVIDIA Path Tracing: It’s Not a Standard

The Dark Truth of NVIDIA Path Tracing: It’s Not a Standard

At GTC, NVIDIA’s Don Palomo conference, they showcased the technologies that will enable apply Path Tracing in games, although so far they’ve only shown it for Cyberpunk. Obviously, since this is an event created by them and the marketing of the company is very powerful, we must separate the wheat from the chaff. And that’s ...


Netflix wants you to see ads and hides its standard plan

Netflix wants you to see ads and hides its standard plan

Netflix does not show the best deals to many users! Netflix hides its cheapest plans join the conversation Netflix’s user loss crisis that became evident in the early months of this year led the company to seek alternatives to maintain and attract users. One of the most anticipated was a much cheaper advertising plan, however, ...


the standard home automation protocol

the standard home automation protocol

Matter is the new home automation standard developed for enable interoperability between home devices, regardless of their manufacturer. Google has started preparing the SDK for Matter and today announced that Android devices are officially supported. From the official blog of Google, it has been made public that Nest and Android devices are now compatible with ...