Articles for tag: don39t, Image & Form, indie games, Linux games, my city, robbery, Role play, RPG, Single player video games, Steam World Heist II, SteamWorld, SteamWorld Heist, Tactical, Tactical role-playing game, Windows games, XCOM

Geralt of Sanctuary

Don't miss the best tactical RPG of 2024

Don't miss the best tactical RPG of 2024

Steam World Heist II sneaked out in early August last year and didn't make as much of a splash in its quirky robot universe as some of the other genre spin-offs. That's a shame, because the bones of this tactical RPG are some of the strongest around, even if the surrounding fluff can get in ...


SteamWorld Heist II has received a new update, here’s what’s included

SteamWorld Heist II has received a new update, here’s what’s included

Subscribe to Nintendo life on YouTube779k Since arriving on Switch and other platforms in August, the turn-based action title SteamWorld Heist II has received continuous support from the development team, and the latest update (version 1.5) is now available. The “main point” according to the team is that you can now “buy back rare items” ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

SteamWorld Heist 2 defines multi-classing in tactical RPGs

SteamWorld Heist 2 defines multi-classing in tactical RPGs

In tactical RPGs, it’s easy to fall into a familiar rhythm. You’ll always want to take on missions with your ranged attacker, your melee attacker, and maybe some sort of support class. These classes usually get ultra-powerful abilities to help them do what they do best. But rarely do you see games where a single ...


SteamWorld Heist II Review (Change eShop)

SteamWorld Heist II Review (Change eShop)

Recorded on Nintendo Switch (Handheld/Docked) When we played the original SteamWorld Heist, we described Heist to anyone who would listen (and many who wouldn’t) as the quintessential underrated indie gem. We thought everyone should play it. We were blown away by how skillfully Thunderful Games took all the satisfying turn-based action of X-COM and made ...


SteamWorld Heist II: Great Upgrade

SteamWorld Heist II: Great Upgrade

It is rare that a new idea succeeds on the first try, but the idea from 2015 SteamWorld Heist very well done. In a time when team-based tactical games like XCOM were extremely popular, Robbery asked a bold design question – how do you do that, but in 2D? The result was an experiment that ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

Steamworld Heist II lives up to its name and the quality of the franchise: We reveal it to you in our ANALYSIS

Steamworld Heist II lives up to its name and the quality of the franchise: We reveal it to you in our ANALYSIS

We have to thank the folks at Thunderful Development for the work they do with the SteamWorld franchise. This smaller series offers more depth and variety than many top mainstays, while also offering exciting and engaging experiences. Steamworld Heist II, as I outlined in my last impressions, is the continuation of that formula. Picking up ...


XboxDynasty Stream: SteamWorld Heist II from 8:30 p.m. on Twitch

SteamWorld Heist II: Extended gameplay released

Check out extended gameplay for the turn-based role-playing game SteamWorld Heist II. Extended gameplay from SteamWorld Heist II can be found in this 13+ minute long video. In the narrated video, art director Brandt Andrist explores an early mission in the game, showing the upgrade system, turn-based combat, hidden treasures, and mysterious encounters. SteamWorld Heist ...

New SteamWorld Heist II trailer

New SteamWorld Heist II trailer

SteamWorld Heist II is the sequel to the popular game of the same name. In this sequel, players will join Captain Leeway and his motley crew. In SteamWorld Heist II, players embark on a fun and exciting adventure on the high seas, taking the reins of Captain Leeway. But we won’t be alone: ​​with a ...