Articles for tag: ambitious, Books, playable, project, quests, short, Stories


What game will 'Tales' move next?

What game will 'Tales' move next?

Fantasy stories Picture: Bandai Namco No game has been released multiple times than the Phantasia story. In Japan you can get it for a super family, PS1, GBA, PSP and cell phones. This would usually be the case against getting the second premium port, but there is a very strong reason why I think it ...


WhatsApp revolutionizes business sales in Europe with a simple sticker on Instagram stories: so it works

WhatsApp revolutionizes business sales in Europe with a simple sticker on Instagram stories: so it works

WhatsApp has different functions to provide better experience to businesses and customers. Now comes with great strength, because a simple WhatsApp and Instagram Stories sticker Everything will change it to minimize the funnel of sales and more conversions are obtained, either organically or paid with advertisements. Last year, Spanish – Android Libre was present in ...


Project GG removed, stories gently, Saggal ex-producer

Project GG removed, stories gently, Saggal ex-producer

Project GG was removed from the official website, while Platinumgames was there to wipe out its own history, as an ex-producer claims. Platinumgames has removed the game Project GG from its official website, which triggers speculations about the current status of the project. Former employees criticize this decision and accuse the studio of “extinguishing their ...


Bandai Namco promises to release Tales Remasters “fairly consistently”

Bandai Namco promises to release Tales Remasters “fairly consistently”

Image: Bandai Namco Subscribe to Nintendo life on YouTube788k Bandai Namco started its Stories 30th Anniversary Celebration series with a special Anniversary Project show. And while there were no special surprises or announcements, series producer Yusuke Tomizawa reiterated that the team will be working on more remasters. in the original Japanese show (reported Gematsu), Tomizawa-san ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

Concord Studio is closing and more top gaming stories

Concord Studio is closing and more top gaming stories

Picture: Sony, The Pokémon Company, Sony, Ubisoft, Arrowhead Game Studios/Kotaku, Bungie, Screenshot: Dr Disrespect / YouTube / Kotaku, Nintendo, Nintendo/Kotaku, photo: Smith Collection/Gado/Getty Images (Getty Images) This week people were desperately hoping for Nintendo to finally lift the curtain on the Switch’s successor, but instead they got an announcement that the acclaimed RPG Xenoblade Chronicles ...