Articles for tag: Face, Human interest, impersonates, InGame, Matt Pike, my box, NBA, perfectly, player, Skyrim, Sports, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Video game modding, video games, Windows games

Geralt of Sanctuary

Fishing in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Fishing in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Screenshot: Bethesda / Kotaku Fishing in video games is difficult to nail. Many games offer this type of mechanic, but few actually make it. Personally, I can’t remember a single fishing mini-game that I’ve enjoyed in recent years. Pokémon? Difficult, annoying. Fire Emblem: Three houses? Zzzzz. Hades? The only thing that resembles a bug in ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

That’s included in Bethesda’s $ 50 Skyrim Anniversary Edition

That’s included in Bethesda’s $ 50 Skyrim Anniversary Edition

Screenshot: Bethesda / Kotaku Yesterday, just a week before the launch, Bethesda did finally revealed how much Skyrim anniversary edition cost: $ 50. But what you actually get in the latest version of the decade-old game is a bit confusing, so let’s break it down. What does Skyrim anniversary edition contain? Skyrim anniversary edition contains ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

Skyrim IRL TikTok Star JinnKid Arrested and Charged with Murder

Skyrim IRL TikTok Star JinnKid Arrested and Charged with Murder

A screenshot from one of JinnKid’s Skyrim videosScreenshot: Youtube Ali Nassar Abulaban, aka JinnKid, is the actor behind it Skyrim in real life, a series of incredibly popular TikTok videos. He was arrested last week and charged with the murder of two people, including his wife. As NBC San Diego reportPolice were called to an ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

TikTok user makes perfect Skyrim identity at Chick-fil-A

TikTok user makes perfect Skyrim identity at Chick-fil-A

There’s a whole genre of videos where people pretend they’re playing Skyrim in real situations, but it’s been a minute since I’ve seen one this good. This is Caleb Janssen turning a shift at Chick-fil-A into a breathtaking fantasy adventure, complete with exciting NPC encounters and state-of-the-art stealth AI: God, the guy standing in front ...

Shirley The Skyrim grandma has her own full-voiced mod

Shirley The Skyrim grandma has her own full-voiced mod

The favorite of the internet SkyrimThe playing grandma Shirley Curry now has her own Skyrim Mod that she adds as a companion to Bethesda’s RPG. And Shirley voiced the character himself. In Shirley – A. Skyrim Follower Mod, she provided her voice for the companion and ACafter this Nexus side of the mod, she will ...