Articles for tag: confirms, Elbaf, manga, manga one piece, one piece, Piece, Shamrock, Shanks, theory


One Piece manga confirms this Shanks theory

One Piece manga confirms this Shanks theory

The Elbaf saga is being a real madness, full of surprises and revelations that fans of One Piece They have been waiting for years. One Piece's last chapter has shown us that, One of the theories that more has been around these years among the community It has turned out to be true. Previously we ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

GTA 6’s Wild Moon Theory in Trailer 2, Explained

GTA 6’s Wild Moon Theory in Trailer 2, Explained

A random promotional image from Rockstar Games showing the moon as seen in Grand Theft Auto V has led to a wild theory that Strictly speakingthe space sphere controlling our tides in this image is really an indication of when the next one will be GTA 6 Trailer is released. You should play Grand Theft ...


Here’s a very interesting theory about Nintendo’s secret testing program… It could be used for the potential online mode of this fan-favorite RPG

Here’s a very interesting theory about Nintendo’s secret testing program… It could be used for the potential online mode of this fan-favorite RPG

Gaming News Here’s a very interesting theory about Nintendo’s secret testing program… It could be used for the potential online mode of this fan-favorite RPG Published on June 11, 2024 at 1:05 p.m Share: Nintendo is hiding a lot of things at the moment. The Switch successor project is not the only ongoing secret project: ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

Jurassic World: Chaos Theory – New Netflix trailer for season 2 reveals release date

Jurassic World: Chaos Theory – New Netflix trailer for season 2 reveals release date

Welcome to GameStar! Continue with advertising As usual with personalized advertising, commercials and tracking. In the Privacy options you can view the processing purposes and partners required for this. For further information see data protection declaration. Agree In order to further develop and finance our offering, we and up to 223 partners collect and process ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

Harvard scientists caused a great stir with their theory about the origin of the universe and still ask themselves today: How rare are we?

Harvard scientists caused a great stir with their theory about the origin of the universe and still ask themselves today: How rare are we?

How did the universe come into being? Theoretical physicist Avi Loeb also asks himself this question. (Image: – Tobias Kempf, Focus) How rare are we?: This is what a current article by the well-known Harvard professor Avi Loeb. In it, he critically examines the idea that humans, as intelligent beings, occupy an absolutely exceptional ...