Articles for tag: culture, Design: Pokemon Concierge, Eevee, Entertainment, Haru, Meow, Mewtwo, my city, Netflix, Netflixs, Not, Pokémon, Pokémon Company, Psyduck, Rena, Rena Nonen (No), role playing, series, StopMotion, therapeutic, Video games developed in Japan, Warm

Geralt of Sanctuary

The Red Lantern Review – A therapeutic and immersive adventure that allows you to pet dogs

The Red Lantern Review – A therapeutic and immersive adventure that allows you to pet dogs

Imagine inviting snow-capped mountains, an ever-evolving Alaska skyline, and the best canine companions a human could ever hope for. This is exactly what Timberline Studios The Red Lantern offers with its haunting, story-driven roguelite survival game. Even if survival games don’t usually attract you, The Red Lantern has some magic to replace the genre. The ...