Articles for tag: ends, players, runaway, separates, story, Titans, Vancouver


The story of RunAway ends, Vancouver Titans separates from ALL its players

The story of RunAway ends, Vancouver Titans separates from ALL its players

This is the end of one of the strongest stories in eSports on Overwatch: Vancouver Titans has separated from all its players in the middle of the season, ending the competition of former South Koreans from RunAway. see also: The MVP and champion of the Overwatch League Sinatraa leaves on VALORANT Thunderbolt on the stage ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

Attack on the Titans deepens the return of ESE character

ATTENTION: this news contains SPOILERS of Attack on the Titans The final stretch of Attack the titans It is leaving a trail of revelations and especially critical situations. Eren's madness has led him to wake the titans from the walls, causing chaos everywhere and pointing to the death of a very important character. Meanwhile, in ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

Today's selection of articles from the Kotaku student-run community: Top 10 Short Game of 2019 (8 hours or less) • 2013: the year of the Titans invasion, and One Trigger-Happy Studio.

Today's choice of article departure KotakuStudent-led community: The 10 short games of 2019 (8 hours or less) • 2013: the year of the Titans invasion, and the One Trigger-Happy Studio • Retro Tea: Famicom – Design Studio (TV Commercial, JP) You read TAY, Kotaku's community-run blog. TAY is written by Kotaku readers just like you. ...