Articles for tag: agriculture, Chicory, Chicory: a colorful story, Cichories, colorful, Games, Kotaku, Plants, Tale, to eat and drink

Cup Noodle no longer has stickers to close the lids. Close

Cup Noodle no longer has stickers to close the lids. Close

Screenshot: TBS news If you’ve bought Cup Noodle in Japan before, you’ll know the plastic sticker used to close the lid after hot water is added. This sticker is called in Japanese futa-dome shiiru (フ タ 止 め シ ー ル) or “Lid stopper sticker”. Nissin, the company that makes cup ramen, will stop using ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

Where did gamer snacks come from anyway?

Where did gamer snacks come from anyway?

photo:: Kotaku There are snacks and then there are snacks for gamers. Through chalky chemical combinations of dubious reputation, they’ll somehow get you to aim better Fourteen days. How did we get to the point where, for a hobby that mostly takes place on the couch, snacks are basically workout supplements? In the food-oriented episode ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

Delicious looking (and totally fake) Super Mario Sushi

Delicious looking (and totally fake) Super Mario Sushi

Screenshot:: Nendo Zaiker snail / YouTube Kotaku EastThe East is your slice of Asian internet culture and brings you the latest talking points from Japan, Korea, China and beyond. Turn on every morning from 4 a.m. to 8 a.m. This is like the fake food you see outside Japanese restaurants but with Nintendo characters. YouTuber ...