Articles for tag: Demon, hat, hidden, Horror, Muzans, Slayer, tradition

Geralt of Sanctuary

Microsoft is apparently changing a longstanding tradition

Microsoft is apparently changing a longstanding tradition

Windows 10 reportedly won’t get a major feature update this spring. As every year, with the first spring-like rays of sunshine, the more intensive reporting on the upcoming, major feature update for Microsoft Windows 10 begins. But this time something seems to change drastically. Because how Windows Central reports, Windows 10 Version 21H1 is not ...


This tradition of the iPhone 11 Pro promises to chase COVID-19

This tradition of the iPhone 11 Pro promises to chase COVID-19

In times of war, any pit is a canal, as they say. And while many companies are starting to collapse due to the imminent economic situation caused by the recent Coronavirus, there are some who are using this time to refuse to do business. At this time we are looking for a company known for ...


505 Games Release New Bloodline Update: Nightly Tradition

Believe it or not, though Blood: The Night Tradition actually a good game on the switch. If you've played this version in a release, you may not have been pleased with shoddy performance, frame rate issues, weak assets and multiple load times. Since then, however, 505 Games have developed many patches to enhance the overall ...