Articles for tag: Author, CIA, faces, percent, SciFi, section, Space, Star, Trek, Wellknown

Geralt of Sanctuary

Star Trek discusses decades-old question, what's your answer?

Star Trek discusses decades-old question, what's your answer?

Even Captain Picard (Patrick Stewart) is puzzled: Which Enterprise is the best of all the starships in Star Trek? (Images: Paramount) We at GameStar have already racked our brains extensively over the best Star Trek games. But what is actually the best Enterprise out of all the series? We're probably opening a huge barrel with ...

The Boss

Has Star Trek had any good games throughout its history?

Has Star Trek had any good games throughout its history?

The first great galactic adventure saga created (even before Star Wars), Star Trek This marked a before and after in the world of science fiction. Obviously, like any saga of films and series worthy of the name, it had many titles over the decades, and today we want to get nostalgic. Games, Star Trek's final ...


Star Trek Legends is coming to Nintendo Switch this Christmas

Star Trek Legends is coming to Nintendo Switch this Christmas

2021's Apple Arcade game Star Trek Legends set the course for the Nintendo Switch. Date of arrival? December 25, 2024 In it, take command of the USS Artemis and use the Nexus (from Star Trek Generations) to bring together heroes and villains from the past and future for a galactic expedition like no other. Star ...