Articles for tag: animation, Ben, Entertainment, Friendly, opinión, SpiderMan, TV, Uncle, wonder

Geralt of Sanctuary

Where is Uncle Ben in her friendly Spider-Man?

Where is Uncle Ben in her friendly Spider-Man?

Your friend neighborhood Spider-ManThe new Spider-Man animation series from Disney Plus takes many creative freedom with Peter Parker's background story. On the one hand, his spider powers came from a mysterious binding spider that appeared from a portal that was conjured up by Doctor Strange. On the other hand, his high school BFF is none ...


Analysis of Uncle Chop's Rocket Shop

Analysis of Uncle Chop's Rocket Shop

A Roguelite with space mechanics is coming to XBOX. In Uncle Chop's Rocket Shop You must follow the instructions if you don't want to die. My relationship with mechanics is based on the fact that my car does something it shouldn't do, I take it to the garage and I exercise my blind trust that ...

Cut, mend and mend with Uncle Chops Rocket Shop

Cut, mend and mend with Uncle Chops Rocket Shop

Prepare your tools and bring out the handyman in you with the new proposition that Uncle Chops Rocket Shop will bring You know that in the Xbox Community we are very fond of independent games, especially those that are brimming with originality. This is why we could not neglect the new project which will attract ...


“I uncle works at Nintendo” – man, myth and lie

“I uncle works at Nintendo” – man, myth and lie

Over the holidays we’re reposting some select features from the past 12 months. A mix of talking points, interviews, opinions and more from NL staff and contributors, you’ll find our usual mix of thoughtfulness, expertise, frivolity, retro nostalgia and – of course – enthusiasm for all things Nintendo. Happy Holidays! In the magazine business, the ...

The Boss

Kingpin, Stan Lee, Miles Morales, Uncle Ben and more

Kingpin, Stan Lee, Miles Morales, Uncle Ben and more

The launch of Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered on PC has conquered both critics and fans. So much so that it didn’t take long for modders to create incredible and fun mods for the video game. Here’s a list of the funniest: Tired of playing with Peter Parker? Here you have more options. Play as Kingpin Creator: ...