Articles for tag: cart, Google, Jam, Maps, mobiles, simulates, Traffic, user


User simulates traffic jam on Google Maps with 99 mobiles and cart

Google Maps It is one of the most popular navigation apps in the world, and has been gaining traction with Google Translate either your "motorcycle mode" in other countries, among others. However, of the millions of people using the app, there were some who felt that simulate traffic traffic on Google Maps with 99 mobiles ...


Once again, the Apple Watch saves the user from atraya fibrillation

Many will have Apple Watch, and many will have one of the latest models that include a Monitoring our heart rhythms which reaches the point that we can get electrocardiograms with an Apple smartwatch. Work that can be viewed but is especially useful when working in the shadows. And we just have news that The ...


Every iPhone user should know these basic tactics

So you just bought your first iPhone? Or maybe it's the second, or third time, but you've never been through NeverApp, phones and online, you're in luck, because this article is for you. IOS is a program Once his users gained control, few complained about him. Do you stable, fluid and intuitive, and that makes ...

The Boss


excessive user manual

The NVIDIA tester is a well-designed application for NVIDIA graphics cards, and will allow us to know almost everything. technical information of them, monitor your parameters in real time (including use and heat) even excess in a simpler way, which will allow us to reduce more performance. You can download the NVIDIA tester on its ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

PlayStation 5: next leak: is this what the user interface looks like?

The PlayStation 5 is currently on everyone's lips – also considering a possible presentation in February. No wonder that one leak chases the next. After there was plenty of speculation about the date, price and launch line-up yesterday, the focus is now on the possible user interface of the next-gen console. <a href = "" ...