Articles for tag: Android, mistakes, users


Four mistakes we make using Android users

Four mistakes we make using Android users

A smartphone is more than just a mobile device. It's our most important hobby and business tool, where we store a lot of information. Plus we won't forget that these types of devices are cheap, so caring for and deploying this gadget is really necessary. Now, many users buy covers, screen protectors, avoid hot spots ...


Apple will allow users to install Mac Pro wheels for the kit

Apple released the Mac Pro last December, your newest and most powerful desktop computer yet. The equipment is modular, so the user can easily unlock it to add or modify specific components to increase their performance. It can be configured with Intel Xeon processors with up to 28 cores, and the amount of RAM can ...


Google has started to terrorize Microsoft Edge users

If you use Edge, a Microsoft browser in its new version based on Chromium technology, it may soon be a be careful it doesn't guarantee much appearing on your screen. As they have informed from the portal Windows Latest, Google would have started showing Edge users a a warning notice of potential problems which may ...


Only 2% of users said they wanted to wrap a smartphone

With the advent of the first wrap-around screens that filled professional debt in 2014, it seemed we were finally on our way to the future. However, making the concept of the concept a thing that has taken hours of development, trial and error, in the companies we launched their first, and subsequent, products without arousing ...


Nintendo says players will be able to move Animal Crossing: New Horizons users and save data to another Switch "later this year" | My Nintendo Stories

Nintendo UK's website for Animal Crossing: New Horizons contains an exciting tidbit that was not included on Animal & # 39; s Crossing: New Horizons Direct. According to Nintendo, "the game does not currently support the ability to transfer your backup file from one Nintendo Switch console to another. However, the specific function of crossing ...