Articles for tag: Bots, Cross-platform software, data, Discord, Freeware, Goal, Human interest, Instant messaging, Internet, Internet bot, IRC, my city, online chat, server, , spy, targets, Technology, troll, user, video calling

Geralt of Sanctuary

Discord targets bots to spy on user data

Discord targets bots to spy on user data

Last week, journalists’ cooperative 404 media reported on Spy Pet, a website that crawled through billions of Discord messages from nearly 620 million users and sold access to that data for just $5. After investigating the matter, Discord announced that the accounts associated with this repository have been suspended and the company is considering legal ...

Someone bought a 16-year-old iPhone for over 0,000

Someone bought a 16-year-old iPhone for over $190,000

Hey, quick question: If you had $200,000 left over in your bank account, what would you spend it on? You’d probably spend it on a house or maybe a new car (several new cars?). What you probably wouldn’t do is spend that kind of money on a 16-year-old iPhone. But that’s exactly what happened over ...