Satoru Iwata, a genius programmer who became a well-respected and respected Nintendo CEO, had conducted a series of interviews with his staff. always available online. These informative changes had the honor of being compiled in a paper collection in Japan. The translated version arrives in the west.
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[Mise jour du 18 janvier 2021 : Mana Books a confirm l’arrive en librairie d’une traduction franaise. Ainsi parlait Iwata-San
For sale in Japan for a while, Ask Iwata: Words of Wisdom from Satoru Iwata, Nintendo’s legendary CEO will be available in English on April 13th. This book by VIZ Media, the translation of which was done by Sam Bett, can be pre-ordered for around 20 dollars Amazon.
Readers will find exchanges between Satoru Iwata, Nintendo CEO for 13 years and disappeared in 2015, and people who worked with the Kyoto company, as well as poignant testimonies, including that of Shigeru Miyamoto.
Satoru Iwata was the former global CEO of Nintendo and a talented programmer who played a key role in the development of many of the world’s most iconic games. He led the production of innovative platforms such as Nintendo DS and Wii and laid the foundation for the development of the successful game Pokmon Go and Nintendo Switch. Satoru Iwata is known for his analytical and resourceful mind, but even more so for his humility and people-centered approach to leadership. It was loved by game fans and developers around the world.
In this collection, Satoru Iwata discusses topics such as how to find bottlenecks, how success creates resistance to change, and why programmers should never say no. Part of the series of Iwata Asks interviews with key contributors to Nintendo games and hardware, Ask Iwata features talks with famous franchise inventor Mario Shigeru Miyamoto and EarthBound inventor Shigesato Itoi. It offers gaming fans and business leaders an insight into the leadership, development and design philosophies of one of the most popular characters in video game history.