Thursday, March 25, 2021, Dom Peppiatt GMT
If you have tried to enter the famous and complicated world Dota 2, You will be glad to know valveThe next major update of the game is designed for you.
The introduction of awkwardly complex games will be completely reconsidered in a new update to be released later today. Valve explained exactly what will happen in a very in-depth article.
The developer said before jumping into some specific details: “We believe that a mixture of diverse tools and resources has the greatest potential to help new players learn according to their specific needs.”
The main changes come in the form of a dynamic, responsive guide that will hover over your game and provide you with real-time recommendations about what is happening right now.
There is also a new player mode, which is based on the concept of the original limited mode of the game, with “a small and stable hero library”, so that players can learn the basics without encountering new heroes in each game And skills will not increase your processing power.
“In order to give new players flexibility when learning, this model will allow them to leave the game at any time without any penalty,” the developer explained. “We hope that new players can safely sample different heroes, or try to learn something in their free time, even if time is tight. For this reason, if a player in “new player mode” leaves the game, the robot will immediately take their place. “
The store will also undergo large-scale simplification, and the new goals will provide new players with some goals in the game.If you are interested in the far-reaching changes implemented in the game, it’s worth checking out the full post for yourself – it’s in a lot of detail.
We recently heard that Valve has ended the development of Artifact 2.0, and the company also plans to launch Dota animation soon.