It’s Thursday again and from 6:00 pm it will be “React Live” on the GameStar-YouTube-Kanal and on our Twitch channel Monsters and Explosions. For two hours, members of our video team talk to colleagues from the editorial team or external guests about the topics of the week. We have brought a few for you, but many of them come mainly from YOU!
Because of course we want to know what’s on your mind, what’s going on outside of our bubble and which game topics you are particularly interested in.
This week Julius Busch, Natascha Becker and Maurice Weber take their places on the imaginary couch. We have already prepared three topics for you, we will choose the rest from the chat. Just post under! Topic in the chat what is on your mind. Works on both YouTube and Twitch, of course.
Today is about:
– Open Worlds! What are the highlights of the YouTube community and why?
– Cyberpunk 2077 is finally out with the promised patch
– Amazon starts developing a new game with former Rainbow Six people