Game news Sonic Colors back with a remaster?
On November 12, 2010, Sonic Colors was released for Wii and Nintendo DS. The title, which was very well received by both the press and gamers, had made a strong impression on our columns: 15 out of 20 for the home console version and 16 out of 20 for the portable version. In addition, it may well be that a remastered version of the colorful platformer is currently in preparation!
A certain Sonic Colors Remastered has been appearing on the Internet, or more precisely on the website, for a few hours iksample
Obviously, this message is to be taken with a grain of salt for two reasons. The first is that SEGA has never formalized such a project, the second is that the illustration iksample selected to design the ad was from Sonic Boom and not Sonic Colors, which can be confusing. We just have to wait wisely and hope that SEGA will speak in the near future.
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By Jerome Joffard, Writing from