The upcoming games from Ubisoft sometimes don’t seem to be under a good star, because Riders Republic had to be postponed again at short notice.
Actually, Riders Republic should have been available from the beginning of September th is year – in a few weeks. But as with Rainbow Six Extraction, unfortunately nothing will come of it: The release date has been postponed again at short notice. After all: Compared to the shooter, the delay in Riders Republic is not quite as extensive.
Because while Rainbow Six Extraction will only appear next year, Riders Republic “only” slips into the following month. The bottom line is a delay of around two months, because the beginning of September quickly became October 28, 2021, i.e. the end of the following month.
Here, too, Ubisoft wants to give the development team the opportunity to take advantage of further test options and thus obtain player feedback for the full version. The actual developers only say that this difficult decision had to be made in order to deliver the best possible game. They want to use the additional time for fine-tuning in particular. An additional test phase in advance has also been confirmed, although dates have not yet been set.