Emily Gera
Monday, January 27, 2020 21:48 GMT
Capcom said the multiplayer project resistance plan will not be part of the official version of Resident Evil.
Asymmetric multiplayer games will be bundled with the upcoming Resident Evil 3 remake, but will not be considered a canonical game. Instead, Capcom called it "an interesting online experience connected to the RE Universe."
Resident Evil 3 producer Peter Fabiano explained in an interview with "PlayStation Magazine Official" (via GamesRadar) that certain events in the 4v1 game make it "unable to adapt to the actual timetable." But from the theme As mentioned above, Project Resistance can directly join the franchise.
Fabiano told OPM: "You will remember that the Japanese subtitles for RE3 are Last Escape," "The characters in both titles are trying to escape somewhere or somewhere, so it makes sense from a theme perspective. We also want to accept that The challenge of building an online game in the RE Universe. "
Last September, when Capcom debuted a trailer for the game, we first paid attention to Project Resistance. You can see some actual gameplay here, which shows four survivors working together, while an evil Mastermind spawns enemies. By destroying surveillance cameras, survivors can eliminate the director's ability to look into certain rooms-but they can also spawn and attack directly like zombies.
Resident Evil 3 and Project Resistance will be released on April 3 for PS4, Xbox One and PC.