Pump-action shotgun Red Dead Redemption 2: Where to find it?


Pump-action shotgun Red Dead Redemption 2: Where to find it?

Dead, find, Pumpaction, Red, Redemption, shotgun

News wise Pump-action shotgun Red Dead Redemption 2: Where to find it?


In Red Dead Redemption 2, weapon choice is an important element, and you might want to go for the pump-action shotgun (or Lancaster shotgun in French). In this article we will explain how you can purchase it, whether alone or online.

Roundup of all our guides and tips for Red Dead Redemption 2


  • The Pump Action Shotgun: What is its use in Red Dead Redemption 2?
  • How do I unlock the Lancaster shotgun in RDR2?
  • How to unlock the pump action shotgun in Red Dead Online?

The Pump Action Shotgun: What is its use in Red Dead Redemption 2?

Before we delve deeper into the method of how to get this pump action shotgun in Red Dead Redemption 2, let’s first take a look together at what it can be used for. Let’s start with a logical point: we are here with a short-range weapon.

Don’t expect a weapon that allows you to do damage from a distance. As soon as the enemy moves a little away, the Lancaster shotgun is clearly not the weapon you need. However, if you are nearby, you can cause a real bloodbath!

While its precision isn’t always its strong point, a 5-shot magazine combined with very good firing and reloading speed for a shotgun allows you to quickly do a lot of damage to those who get a little too close to you!

Pump-action shotgun Red Dead Redemption 2: Where to find it?

Now that we’ve looked at the usefulness of this Lancaster shotgun in Red Dead Redemption 2, let’s get into how to get it. First, let’s assume that it is possible to make it appear in all armories.

To do this, however, you have to achieve a minimum in the missions! In fact, you need to complete the mission “The Essence of Wealth IV” for this pump-action shotgun to be available in the store for the displayed price of $148.

Pump-action shotgun Red Dead Redemption 2: Where to find it?

If you are a little stingy and don’t want to pay it, know that it is possible! To do this, go to Chez Porter Ranch, indicated on the map below. Eliminate the enemies that are there and go to the hut.

Go to the second floor and climb the ladder in the room on the left to find it in a chest. Please note that you must have previously completed the mission “First Shall Be Last” in order for the Lancaster Shotgun to be available.

Pump-action shotgun Red Dead Redemption 2: Where to find it?

Finally, let’s conclude this article by discussing the somewhat special case of Red Dead Online. As we know, the methods of obtaining weapons are often different from those of the simple single-player game. Well, that is actually the case with the pump action shotgun.

To get it, you must first reach rank 5. Once you’ve done this, you can purchase the Lancaster shotgun from your favorite gun store. Be careful, this time you will be asked for $266.

Our guides for Red Dead Redemption 2

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