The new release of Famitsu also features a new column from Sakurai. Sakurai donated a nice column piece to the first Fighter & # 39; s Pass received by the Super smash Bros. Ultimate finds, while addressing criticism made in response to Byleth's revelation. Sakurai reminded people that Nintendo had chosen the characters, and that they were not decided by "my favorites". Because they are cut off like this, Sakurai says “I just keep on. There are other things to think about more ”. That said, Sakurai not only understands the criticism some fans have, but also agrees with them. Sakurai admitted, “I understand too. There are too many Fire Emblem characters. And there are too many swordsmen ”. In fact, the number of sword users is why Sakurai says he "only brings tricks to each writer". The tweet that transfers news and translates it into English is below.