The Boss


What is a GPU: features and definitions

definitions, features, GPU

To better understand the concept of the GPU, it is probably easier to start by answering the last cited question, since it is probably the most appropriate. The confusion of both words is given by the combination of one of them: the graphics card.

When you think of the GPU you are thinking about that the idea, a graphics card, because they are the key and most common for PC graphics, but at the same time the fact that they are several features internally is notable.

GPU Description: we must be very short


GPU dictionary of Graphics Processing Unit and it represents the graphics card's heart well as the CPU does on a PC. Apart from the heart, your brain is also, because it manages to do all the complex math that allows us to enjoy our on-screen games.

The concept is important from a usage point of view, because as we mentioned, the GPU is not a graphics card itself.

In turn graphics card includes GPU to his credit, because in addition to the GPU he said he needed a PCB, resistors, SMDs, capacitors, electrical controllers, phase controllers, VRAM, screen output and more.

Highlights and placements


The GPU is based on a silicon chip that houses a series of millions of transistors under a certain structure and has features dedicated to a specific model. The importance of the concept itself comes to us from APU (for example) when also installing a GPU, only doing it in a very small space with the CPU.

Pure technical features of the GPU depending on the particular model, the specification depends on the particular chip, so we can only add it when talking about the concept.

It usually has a much larger size than the CPU die and nowadays it is much more difficult to be less than 100 mm2 even in the most advanced lithographic processes. It includes a size layer that is usually between three and three times the center of the chip, mainly due to the number of objects to be connected to.

In the end it is a genre put together The most basic of wiring connections with the chip itself, since it can be very expensive to do is simply die. These spies connect bus, VRAMs, control signals, voltages and watches with our protagonist, so they are incomprehensible without each other.

This symbolizes the most advanced GPU processes for measurement called vertical 2.5D IC, like the one that AMD and NVIDIA got with their GPUs and HBM memory. However, the GPU remains an independent unit and should be treated as such.

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