The Elden Ring madness continues. Not only that new speed records are reported almost every day, now players are also attacking the bosses with their butts – and with success.
This is of course not meant quite literally. Anyone who now thinks that a crazy player has clamped a controller between his buttocks is quite wrong. Instead, speed runner and current speed world record holder Distortion2 has tackled a new challenge and decided to only beat up bosses with their butts.
To do this, he created a new character and promptly equipped him with the Ashes of War move Ground Slam. As the name suggests, the character jumps into the air when attacking and lands butt cheeks first on the opponents – with force.
Distortion2 didn’t go through the entire game with it, but at least worked through a list of the most important bosses, including Malenia, Rykard, Mohg and others. Certainly not an easy task to get the timing right, because the ground slam takes a while before it can be used again. Additionally, clever use of buffs was required.
The accompanying video, which is a good two hours long, is at least extremely entertaining: