During the first day of Tokyo Game Show (TGS) 2022, Bandai Namco had an online broadcast dedicated to the game One Piece Odyssey. In this special presentation of One Piece Odyssey, game that celebrates the 25th anniversary of Eiichiro Oda’s ‘manga’, details were known about the content that the different editions of the title will have. Additionally, before finishing the presentation of One Piece Odyssey At Tokyo Game Show (TGS) 2022, the premiere date or when the new straw hat game comes out was revealed.
When does it come out or what is the release date of the new straw hat game?
In 2022 the 25 years of the ‘manga’ will be celebrated One Piece. So it is normal for many to wonder when it comes out or what is the release date of One Piece Odyssey. Fortunately, I hope it won’t be much. As on friday january 13 it comes out One Piece Odyssey para PlayStation 5, PS4, Xbox Series S|X y PC vía Steam
What will the different versions of One Piece Odyssey?
According to the video revealed in the presentation of One Piece Odyssey At Tokyo Game Show 2022, the standard edition of the Bandai Namco game developed by ILCA will have the following pre-purchase incentives.
- Set of outfits from the first seasons of the ‘anime’
- Power Apple (x10)
- ‘Excite’ Apple (x10)
- Golden gelatin (x3)
‘Deluxe’ Edition
- sogeking costume
- jewelry accessories
- Additional story DLC
- Standard Edition Pre-Order Incentives
Limited edition
- Standard Edition Pre-Order Incentives
- sogeking costume
- jewelry accessories
- Additional story DLC
- collection box
- Figura de Luffy y Lim (230x210x210mm)
- Metal box for the game
- Postals (x3)
Other video game announcements or news in the Tokyo Game Show week
Fuente: Bandai Namco Entertainment official channel on YouTube