If there is an ebook par beauty that is Amazon Kindle. If you like reading you probably won't find the best one in the whole market and it can now be yours for the smallest as you have a special discount of 20 euros.
The Kindle of a Life feature now has front light that you can adjust to read anywhere except in light conditions. Available in two colors, black and white, and can be yours only 69.99 euros. An Amazon offer that offers you limited time and that you should take advantage of if you want one of the best electronic books on the market.
Road Types 2019
The new Kindle 2019 has been updated to bring us the best reading experience, its official price is 89.99 euros, but only for a limited time you can get it for 69.99 euros. It would be the perfect gift for Father's Day.
- An integrated light that allows you to read for hours in and out of the home, day and night.
- Designed for reading: it has a 167 dpi screen and a higher screen that reads like a piece of paper, without any display, or in the sun.
- Read without interruptions. Underline paragraphs, search definitions, translate words or resize text: all without leaving the page you are reading.
- Choose from millions of books. It has a capacity for thousands of titles, so you can always pick up your library.
- Large members receive hundreds of books.
- One charge and battery lasts for weeks, not hours.
Kindle Unlimited: over a million books
In addition to the ebook offers you must remember one more: Kindle Unlimited. You can try this Amazon service that provides the collection over 1 million books free of charge for 30 days
Don't miss this offer and find out The new Kindle 2019 is much smaller and enjoy thousands of books in the palm of your hand.