O-ogim Shrine is inside The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom‘S East Necluda region, particularly in the Lanayru Promenade. It is a Raura’s blessing Shrine, meaning the puzzle will be solved before you go inside. For the O-ogim Shrineyou need to find the crystal and bring it back to the shrine location to get inside.
Our guide will help you find it O-ogim Shrine Find the location and solve the puzzle to collect the chest light of blessing.
When you’re done, you can refer to other things to do on our shrine locations page or on the Hyrule Interactive Map.
Location of O-ogim Shrine
The O-ogim Shrine is found within the East Necluda region in which Lanayru Promenade. The coordinates are (2755, -1089, 0100). The shrine is right on a cliff overlooking the Lanayru Promenade – So if you go to this location and don’t see the shrine (which isn’t glowing green yet), drop into the water area below. It’s right across from a large waterfall.
O-ogim Shrine Walkthrough
You have to find this O-ogim ShrineGet the crystal to get inside, then take it to the shrine square before going inside to get its rewards. Let’s begin.
1. After activating the seal at the shrine, the The crystal begins to glow. It emits a beam of light that goes straight to where it is inside Lanayru Road South Cave behind the big waterfall.
2. It is not possible to swim through, but there is an easy entrance on the right side. You must scale the crumbling ruins and go straight inside, using your glider to close some gaps. The last jump before the cave entrance is long and you can fall into a small pit that you can use Rising up to get to the entrance.
3. Destroy the rocks straight ahead and then the blue rocks on the left. There is a glider under the blue rocks that you will need later.
4. Now follow the green ray to find the crystal. You could just take the beam now and bring it back to the glider, but it’s worth exploring the short cave trails behind the falls to the left and right of the crystal. There is a I like and a bubble frog on one side and a Breast with a shield on the other side.
5. Back in the Crystal Chamber, pay attention to the fans and steering gear on the side panels. Pull these down and bring them back to the glider along with the crystal. I use Ultrahand to secure them all together so I don’t have to make multiple trips.
6. Assemble your glider with the fan and controller, then attach the crystal to the front. Make sure the glider is on the rails, press the device to launch, then fly.
7. Not much steering is needed. Just follow the beam to the entrance of the shrine. Once there, you can literally smash your glider into the shrine room O-ogim Shrine will open.
8. Go inside to collect the chest with a big battery and complete the shrine for the light of blessing.