Articles for tag: Advant, Captain, Henqua, location, , map, Treasury

The Boss

Location of the Advant Practical Treasures Map

Location of the Advant Practical Treasures Map

Practical pockets is one of Treasure cards located in the emerald staircase region of Declared. The card leads you to light armor that reduces incoming damage and gives you a health bonus. So it's worth the time to find the treasure if you use a construction that can use light armor in Avoyad. The Treasury ...

The Boss

You may have forgotten about the real detectives of Season 5, but it will be filmed soon and will be in a more familiar location

You may have forgotten about the real detectives of Season 5, but it will be filmed soon and will be in a more familiar location

Despite the different comments from viewers, HBO's Real Detective: The Nighttime Country (aka Season 4) has been a huge success for Max and convinced most critics. So, Season 5 was locked down shortly after its debut, and writer Issa López started returning. After months of radio silence, López and her team focused on writing and ...

The Boss

Having avoyed intimid Feline Codpiee Treaure Map Location

Having avoyed intimid Feline Codpiee Treaure Map Location

Intimidating codpiece feline is one of the first Treasure cards You can buy Declared. Although he has a rather unusual Name (and placement of armor …) This treasure is actually a unique piece of armor quite useful for the start of the game advertising, because it automatically throws barbaric cries when you lose a certain ...

The Boss

Infinity Nikki Stellar Pishing Ground location

Infinity Nikki Stellar Pishing Ground location

THE Stellar fishing field is one of the islands in the abandoned district region of the Wishfield region Infinity Nikki. This little fish -shaped island has a lot of things to do, in particular by finding the astral swan to obtain its rare astral feathered material, fishing the rare Tulletail, a quest for Aventura and ...

The Boss

Infinity Nikki White Jade Location

Infinity Nikki White Jade Location

THE Location of the White Jade ship to Infinity Nikki Is something worth knowing, not only is this big shipping a show to see, but it will also help you finish a new quest for Festival Bloom events. The quest we are talking about you trying with the taking of a photo at the Jade ...

The Boss

Cloud ball location in Infinity Nikki

Cloud ball location in Infinity Nikki

You can Visit the Balloon Cloud Top and take a photo To earn melodic points of harmony as part of the limited time event event Infinity Nikki. It is a simple task, but as for most challenges of day 9 of the Strings of Time event in Infinity Nikki, it takes a while to reach ...