Whether you like Pokémon or not, you're going to want one of these Gengar stickers

Geralt of Sanctuary

Whether you like Pokémon or not, you're going to want one of these Gengar stickers

Gengar, Pokémon, stickers, you39re

Gengar - Pokémon

Among the first generation Pokémon is Gengar, a creature of poison / ghost type medium in size, 1.5 meters tall and weighing about 40.5 kg. When he mega-evolves and becomes Mega-Gengar he still maintains the same weight and height, but changes his appearance. The big change comes from transforming into Gengar Gigamax, so he is over 20 meters tall.

A fan of Pokémon, sexualsoybean, has shared a video in the Reddit Pokémon community. It turns out that he has made some Gengar stickers that seem official due to their quality. At least with the naked eye they paint very well. If we take a look Etsy, an online store where all kinds of products are for sale, we can see that sexualsoybean sells the stickers he makes. For 3.79 euros you can have one.

I made holo Gengar stickers! desde r / pokemon

Last February another Pokemon fan surprised the community with a board game created from scratch for him. There were many who advised its creator, dmp9727, to bring the project to Kickstarter. However, this is very difficult to come true by not having permission from The Pokémon Company.

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