The World Health Organization had already set up their bot on WhatsApp days ago to inform us about the coronavirus; later, in addition, it was re-released in Spanish. This did not prevent, however, that the Spanish Government did its own discussion or a turnaround assistant for the same purpose: to provide up-to-date, advice and information that are reliable and easy to understand.
It's called & # 39; Hispabot-Covid19 & # 39; and basically a WhatsApp default consultation channel uses artificial intelligence and natural language to respond, with valid and accurate information, questions and doubts that may arise with COVID-19. In Xataka Android, we've already tested it to explain how it works.
Know more than 200 questions
Powered by the Secretary of State for Accounting and Art Studies, & # 39; Spabot-Covid19 & # 39; is a chatbot resource that will allow citizens get quick answers to the most common questions about coronavirus 24 hours a day. Created on the WhatsApp Business API, it uses the global Vonage API communication platform and as a communication platform. In addition, it has partnered with the ONCE Foundation to ensure its reach.
This tool, for which it is tested over 200 questions that can be asked in 1,000 different ways, uses information from sources from the Department of Health and other statutory organisms and related to symptoms of the disease, prevention methods, preventive information, current statistics, telephone numbers, etc.
To use Hispabot-Covid19 with WhatsApp for Android, just follow the steps below:
- Although you can always start a conversation without adding a contact, our recommendation is to save it tel +34 600 802 802 phone contacts, whether through the WhatsApp app or Agenda on your mobile phone.
Open the conversation with your contact again write the word "hello"
After that the service will accept and will advise you on topics where it can provide information.
- From there, you can ask, for example about hoaxes and stories, about coronavirus symptoms, how to get infected, what shops to open, where to go to shop, etc. Those questions can be one word or constructive phrase, the bot will indicate keywords.
As confirmed by the Department, the purpose of & # 39; Hispabot-Covid19 & # 39; to contribute " reduce pressure on free health, which provides an easy and accessible alternative to information at all times. "Therefore, this new tool joins Asistencia COVID-19, the official website and app for information and information about the disease, which is now available in many autonomous communities.