Pokémon players Sword and Pokémon Shield they will be able to capture a shiny Magikarp in the Wild Area raids for a limited time. The official website of The Pokémon Company has shared the new information and as a celebration of the new year, until next January 4, the nodes may contain a raid in which players will be given the opportunity to face this rare Pokémon. It has not been indicated how likely it is to appear, but since the time offered is so short, they are probably quite high.
What has been indicated through Twitter is that to have this possibility, you have to do a small management just before the hunt begins. First you have to go to the Mysterious Gift section and select the option «Get news about the Wild Area»(Or similar translation). In this way, the event is activated and you just have to dedicate to activate nodes and participate in online raids of other players who have been lucky enough to meet one.
2020 年 1 月 4 日 (土) 8 時 59 分 ま で, 「ポ ケ ッ ト モ ン ス タ ー ソ ー ド · シ ー ル ド」 で ワ イ ル ド エ リ ア 内 の ポ ケ モ ン の 巣 に コ イ キ ン グ が 大量 出現 中! 色 違 い の コ イ キ ン グ に 出 会 い や す く な っ て い る よ! # ポ ケ モ ン 剣 盾 pic.twitter.com/lN8v0K04Ue
– ポ ケ モ ン 公式 ツ イ ッ タ ー (@Pokemon_cojp) December 31, 2019