With some undocumented weapon nerfs, Ubisoft laid a pretty egg in the nest in Title Update 9 of The Division 2: Warlords of New York. Now you row back diligently.
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Date: Feb 5, 2020 "data-lightbox =" bd892df29e6d53864f2fac43dbdd6a9e.jpg ">
Title Update 9 of The Division 2: Warlords of New York was recorded on Tuesday, but as soon as the servers were online, the shitstorm broke out. Not only that some new bugs had crept in – so the knee pads of the striker set had disappeared from the players (meanwhile fixed). Most of all, an undocumented nerf of some popular rifles like the M1A Classic and Baker's Dozen caused an outcry. Both weapons were considered too strong anyway, but with a nerf of 40 percent, Ubisoft Massive had clearly overshot the target.
In yesterday's State of the Game it was announced that the nerf was at least partially withdrawn and the form was not planned. The developers attribute the glitch to problems with coordination at home. The nerf will soon be withdrawn for the PvE game, but reduced in PvP from 40 to 20 percent. An exact date has not yet been given.
In general, you are working on further adjusting the entire balancing. This includes, among other things, strengthening weaker-performing weapons a bit, revising the lootdrops, which are currently still very unbalanced in terms of difficulty levels, and possibly introducing new gear sets for the currently less popular skill builds. Much of this is expected to be implemented in the June update.
Well, we're curious. In the meantime, Ubisoft has enough to do to fix the quirks introduced with Update 9, like some blockers during the missions in Kenly College and Coney Island, and some errors in the skills.