The fourth episode of Pokmon: Wings of Twilight, the anime broadcast via YouTube based on Pokmon Sword and Shield, shows a Pokmon not showing up in the Nintendo Switch game, Dewgong, belonging to the first generation of the saga (Kanto). The Japanese division of The Pokmon Company has apologized for this reason on the social network Twitter.
"In web animation Tsubaki no Tsubasa (the title of the series in Japan) appears some Pokmon that does not appear in Pokmon Sword and Shield", can be read in the translation of the tweet (go Nintendo Life
【お 詫 び】 WEB ア ニ メ 「薄 明 の 翼」 に お い て, 「ポ ケ ッ ト モ ン ス タ ー ソ ー ド · シ ー ル ド」 に 登場 し て い な い 一部 の ポ ケ モ ン が 登場 し て お り ま し た. 誤解 を 招 く 表現 を し て し ま い 申 し 訳 ご ざ い ま せ ん で し た .-ポ ケ モ ン 公式 ツ イ ッ タ ー (@Pokemon_cojp) April 24, 2020
Twilight Wings is a Anime set in the Galar region, a place inspired by the United Kingdom that serves as a location for the eighth generation of the saga. The Serie follow familiar characters by the title players, such as the various gym leaders, and introduce new ones. The first episode aired in January, nearly two months after the game's release. The last episode, Sunset wavesby Cathy, the water type gym leader.
Sword and shield does not include all the Pokmon of the saga
The apology of The Pokmon Company must be framed in the context that has surrounded Sword and shield since E3 2019. At the Los Angeles fair, producer Junichi Masuda announced that In these games the National Pokdex will not be available
During the months prior to game launch part of the community of the saga criticized Game Freak, the developers of the title, and even harassed Masuda through the networks. After the premiere of Sword and shield a 29.99 expansion pass you expand the game on June and Autumn 2020. The expansions The Isle of Armor and The Nine in the Crown They will add new content and challenges, as well as 200 Pokmon not available in the original game. These creatures can only be caught by those who have the DLC, but they can be exchanged with those users who do not have it.