Bayonetta 3 from PlatinumGames has become suspiciously quiet. Is there finally new information about the switch hope bearer?
The Bayonetta series may not have the biggest name, but the two offshoots available so far are highly regarded and have a loyal fan base. Since the announcement of Bayonetta 3, this has been eagerly awaiting the sequel, but has had to be strong for a long time: Much of the latest part of the series was initially inaudible.
Will that finally change? The chances are good if you can believe new statements from developer PlatinumGames at the turn of the year. Via Inside Games, studio manager Atsushi Inaba commented on the topic and confirmed that fans "can expect to see more [from Bayonetta 3] soon".
This goes hand in hand with further speculation in recent days that Nintendo could plan to broadcast a new direct conference very early in the new year – after all, Bayonetta 3 is to become one of the most well-known upcoming exclusive switch games.
PlatinumGames fans have even more reason to be happy, because according to Inaba, the studio is already planning several big announcements for the beginning of the new year 2020. In addition to tangible details and possibly a release date for Bayonetta 3, this could also mean new game announcements.
The original Bayonetta is scheduled for release next month as a remaster for PC, PS4 and Xbox One.