
an eventful year 2022 with you!

eventful, Year

It’s the end of the year and with it the traditional review of the year that we experienced with you. If we had been asked at the beginning of the year how the year 2022 would develop, we would probably have been completely wrong! Before we leave you for a few days and let the editorial staff enjoy the family celebrations, we wanted to come back to some important events of the year.

Changes on all levels!

2022 will have been unpredictable from start to finish. With four years of existence we thought we had seen a lot. And yet we were surprised by so many elements. Xbox news was very different compared to last year. Despite inconsistent communication, you were there to follow our more than 3,000 new items. Work started a year earlier to expand activity beyond mere reporting has continued. An achievement that could only be realized with you: readers, partners, twittos, friends, loved ones, etc.

While changes are often beneficial, sometimes they are short-lived and require adjustments. This year it will have affected everyone: you, us, the website. While some could be expected, others were a real surprise. Here’s a quick summary of the ones we have in mind:

  • A takeover announcement that shook the industry in January and served as a common thread throughout the year: Microsoft wants to take over Activision-Blizzard!
  • The second edition of the XboxSquad Summerfest with 400 guests in an extraordinary place, the Grand Rex. The only physical broadcast of the Xbox & Bethesda Games Showcase in France to relive the magic of this type of event and share a moment with the community. An achievement that is impossible without your support, readers and partners, have shown us your trust. Memories that every editor will remember for a long time!
  • The restructuring of the team with the departure of several members. The life of a place all the more voluntary is punctuated by many upheavals like those experienced during the summer. Family priorities, career development, etc. The summer period saw an upheaval in everyone’s habits never before seen in the life of the site.
  • A brand new website. This year, XboxSquad will also have passed for the second time with a new version of the site focused on the mobile experience. A change that took place at the beginning of the school year and was very well received by you.
  • Season 1 of Backstage Stories. Building on our documentary on Double Fine, we’ve launched a series of videos on other Xbox Games Studios. Anecdotes, history and origins of each, it’s a chance to go behind the scenes of those we hear from throughout the year.
  • A new XboxSquad Originals: an art book A Plague Tale: Requiem in collaboration with Lucas Courcy (@lucas30tdu). After his work on the first book, we went full throttle to offer a second book. Denser, richer, more qualitative. Copies will be available from early 2023!

What’s next in 2023?

With so many roller coasters in 2022, the forecasts for the coming year are bound to be good. For you, the whole team hopes to get you swinging like we were able to do in the first half of the year. Keep coming alive and sharing our take on Xbox news. Continue some of the beautiful stories started along the way and sadly cut short for lack of time and human capacity. Projects where we hope to be able to count on your presence and your needs.

Regarding the projects, they remain numerous. The mobile app is still at the top of the list and has never been closer to completion. The recovery of video formats (Youtube / Stream) is also important to us. We also know that many of you are waiting for news a third edition of the XboxSquad SummerFest. Many of these issues should be answered in the early months of 2023. Until then, let’s take a well-deserved break to recharge our batteries. The activity will be reduced until January 2nd to start again.

We wish you happy holidays, take care and see you again in the next twelve months!

For her. From us. Thank you for being here.

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