Análisis Rising Hell – Xbox Zone


Análisis Rising Hell – Xbox Zone

Análisis, hell, rising, Xbox, ZONE

Hand in hand with the little indonesian studio Tahoe games and published by Toge Productions it comes to us Hell rising. We are faced with a Vertical roguelike action with a heavy metal aesthetic mixed with an 8- to 16-bit graphic style. But not only the graphic aspect is something recovered several generations ago, but the gameplay is also something more classic. Let’s move on to your analysis.

Slay demons in the style of classic games

Hell rising puts you in the shoes of Arok, a sinner with a mysterious power to kill demons. Although the game is all about killing enemies and moving forward, in this case several new features are provided which make it the most interesting.

The parchment in this case ceases to be horizontal as it was in the platforms of the time, to be vertical. We will have to go up along those hellish wells and kill all kinds of bugs and demons. Arok He will be responsible for entering the Zakqum, a tree in which Lucifer and his hosts were banished and locked up. Mephisto Our protagonist promises him that if he succeeds, he will be released from his prison in hell.

Flag gameplay

The controls are classic and simple, while still meeting perfection. One button to jump and another to attack. Although with a third party, we can also perform a kind of “dash” which although it does not hurt, it will allow us to move faster and dodge a few hits.

But to this is added the possibility of achieving attack combos. These are done only with the attack button, being able to vary the shots by pressing the direction buttons at the same time. The result is very attractive and addicting and follows the path traced by the saga Killer instinct o DMC (The devil can cry) with a deep voice that assesses our combos.

The game is also classic in terms of duration and can be completed in about 1 hour. Difficulty is not eligible, there is only one predefined option. Despite this, its short duration is offset by a high difficulty which, yes, is not maddening. It consists of four phases with its intermediate and final boss. Of course, don’t expect to save the place where you exit the game, Hell rising it’s a game with no save options. Yes, we can play with one or three lives. In this second case, we will get lower rewards in exchange for this possibility. At the end of our game we will download the general experience and we will get rewards that can be accumulated in each new game.

Souls and Gems, essential in Rising Hell

We will have to fight our way through the different scenarios plagued by demons, traps and bugs and escape hell. But for that, we don’t just have the jump and the attack. Hell rising will let us go shopping and learning new skills. These upgrades are purchased with Red Souls that break away from enemies and other damned, killing them.

Throughout our ascent through Hell, we will have the opportunity to access various skill purchases through small stops in the action or in hidden places. This attribute enhancement is essential in the game and is a very tactical aspect to consider.. These can range from more lethal weapons, to greater damage, to greater resistance or vitality. Also other actions such as when ending enemies they do damage to the rest. Other abilities will have to do with the ease of appearance of red or green souls or with our character not slipping while clinging to walls.

And another important point that we just named are the green souls. They will be very important in our adventure since they serve as life recuperators. Life is something that in the early stages we won’t pay too much attention to, but as we progress through the game it will become more and more necessary given the progressive difficulty of enemies. In addition, between the different phases we will not have a resumption of life. Although we are offered several possibilities in the form of rewards at the end of each phase: red souls, green souls or purple gems.

The purple gems, which appear less frequently, will help us unlock new characters or “refresh” the options for purchasing skills and talents presented to us.

Our dear pixels

The graphic aspect of Hell rising brings us chaos, and that’s that the landscape of hell is randomly generated and constantly changing depending on the route we choose.

The appearance of the game is detailed and very colorful, although it is wrong that the scenarios are more different from each other, graphically speaking. We won’t notice much differentiation between one and the other, except for the clear type of enemies. Perhaps the protagonist’s size should also be a bit larger, as well as some insects, which are excessively small.

Otherwise it is the most retro, fulfilling its function and especially highlighting theFinal bosses that can occupy up to two screens as they deploy their arsenal against us.

His infernal

Heavy metal riffs will accompany you on this walk through hell. The music is catchy and lively, and it accompanies the action wonderfully, varying with the action and as you advance to take on the bosses.

The effects are very striking with the hits and the voiceover which praises our combos.

Conclusiones Rising Hell

Hell rising is a very entertaining game that will make you try again and again to defeat the hosts of hell. With a fairly classic graphic and game approach, but implementing roguelike concepts, as well as the random generation of scenarios, it gives it a classic but renewed air.

Maybe yesThe main problem lies in two factors: its short duration and the inability to save the game.. It’s a very 80s or 90s game concept of the last century, but today it is somewhat shocking.

It is true that it does not make sense to be able to save a game in such a short game, but maybe the approach should have been to create 8-10 phases with a save option. This would make it more accessible to all types of audiences. With the current game, its target audience is mostly reserved for the most veterans and fans of platforms and games such as Mega man, Actraiser and other high difficulty 2D classics.

Hell rising


Hell rising


  • Fun and addicting
  • Replayability
  • Classic style


  • No game save option
  • Short duration

About the Author

Passionate about science fiction in all its aspects. Player for over 30 years. Xboxer at heart

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