Analysis of Nikoderiko the magical world


Analysis of Nikoderiko the magical world

analysis, magical, Nikoderiko, Nikoderiko the magical world, pc, VEA games, World, xbox one, Xbox Series

Perhaps many of you, like me, grew up during the era of the internecine struggle between Super Nintendo and Mega Drive. While many others find this era completely unfamiliar, I think it’s worth starting this analysis by clarifying what, for many, continues to be the golden age of arcade platforms. Certainly, the 90s were full of proposals that based their potential on the direct and entertaining platform-based entertainment. And today we want to tell you about a new game that captures all this spirit: here is our analysis of Nikoderiko The magical world.

Standing available from October 15 on consoles and later on PCwhat the good people of VEA Games are offering us is to return to this era which covers games of Donkey Kong Country until Crash Bandicoot. Requested by the studio itself, this game is a love letter to all those platforms that have filled our afternoons with hours and hours of fun.

In these games, the story is the least important thing

Yes ok In terms of history, this doesn’t raise anything very remarkable. (the typical story in which two protagonists discover an important artifact of power but it is taken away by the villain on duty and they have to recover it), what he proposes does not want to go any further and seeks to go directly to what he knows how to do, entertain with platforms.

So what awaits us is a game clearly inspired by the aforementioned 90s titles. SO, We will evolve in a scenario through levels with all kinds of obstacles, enemies and traps to overcome to reach the end of this phase. This progression will mainly be lateral, from left to right, although the game will sometimes change the perspective and, in true Crash style, we will turn the camera to see the protagonist in the center of the screen and have to advance more directly towards “towards forward” and not to the right.

A classic displacement that doesn’t require much more

Either way, one way or another, the objectives will not change and through jumps, slides and bounces, we will have to move forward at all costs. On our way we will have enemies who will make our task difficultand one of the things I liked is that you can’t eliminate them all by jumping on them. Although for many yes, in other cases we will have to make a jump to fall hard with them (or next to them) to eliminate them. Others will be directly indestructible and it will be better not to pass too close to them. Others will throw fireballs at us, jump so that we have more difficulty eliminating them, etc. In short, a diverse assortment of enemies that makes the journey through each level interesting and ensures that you won’t get bored.

Regarding purely platform content, we will also have the classic mechanics of this type of game: platforms that fall as soon as you step on them, sections with a timing to pass at a certain moment and the trademark jumps in which in many cases you have to chain a sequence to avoid falling into the void. In this sense, as in many others, little innovation on the part of the studio, but I understand that it is so intentional, because at all times it gave me the feeling that what the developers want is is to bring together in a single title everything that the different games have been offered to us, with no other intention than to entertain and assuming that everything in the genre had already been invented.

Nicoderiko Analysis

The platforms, accompanied, are more pleasant

Another mechanic that I found interesting is that in certain segments of certain levels we can use a pet. we will have 3 of them and, in addition to having special abilities such as a greater jump, being able to “absorb” enemies to expel them later, etc., they will be used for certain levels (aquatic or aerial) in which we can only advance with them. This adds that necessary variety in these types of games which, without it, can become somewhat repetitive.

Regarding the difficulty, the game is friendly for all types of players. At the start of the adventure you will have to choose between easy mode and normal mode. Already in normal mode the game is quite accessible so we understand that easy mode is aimed at the little ones in the house or those who are new to the world of video games. The aim of the study is to leave no one behind and to try to cover as many stakeholders as possible.

A game accessible to all

Obviously, whoever wants difficulty will get it. If what you are looking for is to master the game 100% and get the most out of each level, you will not lack content since so far Nikoderiko is faithfully reflected in the classics of the time. In each level we will have several secondary objects to collect. In each of them we will have a special diamond to find, two keys to obtain by finding and overcoming the secret phases and 4 letters (NIKO) in true Donkey Kong style.

Both 4 letters like the diamond, they will be scattered throughout the level and our task will be to search every corner of the level to get our hands on them. However, to access the keys, you also need to find 2 barrels per level which will give us access to a bonus phase in which, always with a timer, we will be able to achieve a certain objective. Whether it’s killing all enemies or getting all stars, the challenge here can be a bit higher than the game in general and will involve a bit more difficulty.

Nicoderiko Analysis

You can be as complete as you want

All this, in addition to the “pieces” that we collect around the scene, will help us change them for something else in the bigger. we will have 3 possibilities: either a “normal” chest (which will unlock collectibles, art, music, etc.) or a “premium” chest, which will give us a figurine or 3 special coins. These special parts will be used to “rent” the use of a mount at the level we want. We can spend them on one of the 3 mounts which we can then “summon” in a segment of the level we want. While it’s a nice idea, I have to say that I’ve rarely or never used them and the levels are perfectly complete without the help of these animals.

Nor will it be missed final bosses. Throughout 7 worlds that we go through (with about 4 or 5 levels in each world), we will end it with a battle against a final boss. I must say that the first worlds were very accessible, only getting complicated in the 2 final bosses. Each of them will have several attacks and traps that will ask you what you learned in previous levels, but with a little performance they won’t give you much headache.

In short, and to finish with the gameplay section, Above all, we are a tribute to the classics that builds on already established foundations and puts everything in the hands of the player to be the one who wants to “complicate” life.. Being quite accessible to everyone, it will depend on you if you want to give 100% and achieve all the objectives of each level. With a normal game in which you find several objectives, this can last around 8 or 9 hours.

Nicoderiko Analysis

Nikoderiko analysis: Its audiovisual section is correctly compliant

In the audiovisual section I must say that the game has a very “friendly” cartoon stylevery close to what Pixar can do, but keeping the logical distances. Niko and Luna will be the protagonists (without any difference between them at the playable level) and the world around them is very well recreated and with great detail. The chosen cheerful color palette and striking visual appearance contribute to entertaining gameplay. Additionally, its music is pleasant and gentle, without being repetitive despite its limited variety.

Loading times too long

Where did I Another point to complain about is the technical side.. Although we are grateful to have translated the texts into Spanish, we have not eliminated some errors in which the texts appeared in English. This will surely be easily fixed with a patch after release. However, my biggest “but” concerns the loading times too long. We played on Xbox Series Therefore, I think it is a problem of lack of optimization in this sense.

In conclusion, Nikoderiko…

Anyway, This doesn’t tarnish what I consider, generally speaking, to be a very enjoyable game.. In conclusion, I have to say that if what you like is platforms, you will undoubtedly like it. Nikoderiko the magical world. To be a love letter to Donkey Kong Yes Crash Bandicootits beautiful world and accessible platforms will leave a great taste in your mouth whatever type of player you are. Recommended for those looking for entertainment and platforms in the same title.

Nicoderiko Analysis


  • Entertaining and direct
  • Optional content for the finalist


  • Loading times too long
  • Some errors in the translation of the texts

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